Wednesday 20 November 2013

Hair colour inspiration.

I am sat down watching television, then an advertisement appears on my screen. All I can hear is an annoying screech from an opera singer. I look to the television and I see a mountain of apples on the screen and a beautiful long haired model climbing this mountain to get to the bottle of perfume which is the only one hanging on the tree. Conveying the message it's `the ripest apple` the best perfume. The bottle is red and  round, almost duplicating an apple.

Then I thought Elizabethans valued red hair but not actual red hair its ginger hair which has an orange tone to it."red hair was popular during the reign of red-head Elizabeth I of England"(Victoria Sherrow,Hair colour,For Appearance' Sake: The Historical Encyclopedia of Good Looks, Beauty, and Grooming,March 30, 2001,Greenwood.) I began thinking that this could not only reference Elizabethan era but I could use this to add my own twist!

I then began thinking of ways of which I could apply red into my design.

  • Dying my hair red semi-permanently.
Although my hair is already fairly red I did not want to dye it any redder as I am trying to grow it out, although it is only semi-permanent I did not want to risk it.
  • Apply it through adornment like ribbon.
I did not like this idea as we plaiting with ribbon during seminars and I felt that it looked quite neat, and being a messy person, and being inspired by a wild hair design, I felt this would not suit my idea.
  • Red pieces of hair.
I bought red strands of hair as I felt I could interpret them into the hair by plaiting them going upwards into my hair design and attaching them using pins, hiding the pins within the mohican sort of hair style.

  • Red hair spray.
This I feel would be easier than my other ideas. considering I wanted to incorporate hair colour other than my own into my design this would be the possible easiest and most effective way to do so. Also the perfume bottle not only inspired the colour but also how the colour could be applied by spray! That way you can control like perfume where the colour goes and how much you want on. As it could look too much or not enough again like perfume.

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