Wednesday 6 November 2013

My three final designs.

Final design one.

(Seema I did rotate my hair charts but they would not change once I put them on here)
I have decided to change one of my images as I feel I can not do much more with it style wise!
I have changed it to a advertisement from vogue's November issue for Bogetta Veneta. The design hair colour was influenced by how french women coloured their hair in the Elizabethan era blonde. "Bleaches were also used by french women to lighten their hair to a fashionable saffron yellow".(The artificial face Fenja Gunn pg66) I found this intriguing as it shows that not all countries were influenced by Elizabeths hair colour to an extent but its still lighter and more towards a golden tint.

On this image I have painted a a bun with a curled frizzy effect like Elizabeths. The bun looks as if its got a sponge or hair piece under it. I have painted on pin curls on the hair line. Which a lot of Elizabethans did.

Final design two.

Out of all of my designs I find this one to be the most eye catching due to the craziness and shape of the hair. If I was to create this design I would not put all of those colours in the hair I would jut take certain elements like the shape, and the texture, possibly the adornment.

Final design three.

My third image was also an advertisement from Vogue's November issue. Dolce&Gabbana. I liked the hair to begin with as it already has some Elizabethan traits such as the up do and curls in the hair although the curls are loose it could be a contemporary image.

To make this look Elizabethan to me I have added a braid of which is purple, which I could create using a ribbon or false hair. I also added jewels to make the hair style look more delicate. I would make the parting a middle parting and add volume on top of the hair like the padding but a more contemporary version so the hairs got a fair bit of volume but not too much.

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