Monday 4 November 2013

`Frizzing the hair`

Here's a technique that can be used to create a Elizabethan style frizz that they all insanely envied.

  • Using a wide grip pull a section of hair through the slide so the slide is facing upwards. Weave the hair in ad out of the slide using a figure 8 motion. Once the strand of hair is completely wrapped around the slide place a curvy grip into it and let it set for a few minutes. 
  • Once you have left the hair press hair straighteners onto the `plaited` looking hair strand.
  • Once the hair and metal has cooled down remove both pins.
  • This should leave the hair looking like a noodle.
  • You can then tease the hair or do as you please to it to create your desired look.
I really liked this technique as its easy and effective. I may consider using this technique to go towards my future look, however I may buy some extensions to create this look as it is extremely time consuming!

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