Friday 4 October 2013

A visual analysis of curled,frizzled and crisped.

 A visual analysis.                               

curled, frizled and crisped.   When I read these words, I can invisulate images of what I think the words textures mean to me!

When I read the word curled,  I visualize a curled wood piece of shredding especially when I read the three descriptive words together. The trimming looks as though it has a rough texture which is what I see when I put into perspective the word curled being associated with hair in this era.

"Frizled and crisped".
The words "frizled and crisped" Instantly and strangely brings to mind glass insulation wool. As to look at it sort of looks rather soft, perhaps fluffy, a little fuzzy. However if you touch this wool it has a rough almost wired texture to it. It feels quite hard and if it were hair it may  be considered serverly damaged. 

These words also remind me of an over fried egg! the bottom of the egg, if you over fry it it it gets burnt and it goes all crispy and looks as if you were to touch it it wouldn't just break off it would snap off. Making me think that the hair was `over cooked` possibly giving me the impression that if you bent it it would just snap off like a twig!

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