Tuesday 1 October 2013

Smart & wild.

My interpretations of smart and wild hair.


To me this hairstyle looks very smart. As it is tidy and simplistic. The hair is not completely away from the face but is not obstructing the facial features. There is not a hair out of place. It is feminine and tidy look. I would wear this look to work or to an interview as it has a very formal feel to it. It looks smart, and sophisticated. It is also bobbed which can be categorized as a timeless style, often  associated with career women.


To me this hair style is very wild why? It instantly captures my attention. As it is striking and inventive. Although the colour is not bold the style certainly is. It looks as though it has been styled as a Mohawk. The Mohawk has been curled. This look reminds me of a hyena as they have a fuzzy strip of fur starting at the top of their head ending on their back. Even where the hair has been pulled tightly creating what looks like a stripey pattern into the side of the heads. Strangely enough some hyena's even have stripes on their fur. This look looks wild as it reminds me of a wild animal, and is out of the ordinary. I can visualize this look being worn at a catwalk or for a hair style magazine shoot.

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