Monday 14 October 2013

Hair collage.

Here is what may look like a disaster piece. It is however how I interpreted my partner(Violet) description of how she visualizes the words "curled,fall down,hanging over, and gold" in context of hair.  Our task for today was to pick an Elizabethan hair quote and pick out key words and translate these words into a hair style, considering shape and texture. We then got paired up into two groups (A&B). We then found ourselves a partner and the challenge began. My partner was Violet. Violet described her hair style she created to me as being round in shape, in the center of the head, with the rest of the hair lying flat. The hair was to b covered in Gold. Falling down the side of the face with added curls.

So I started by considering the shape of the hair (round). I used a round bath sponge as a structure to the hair and wrapped what I thought was golden red, browny, blonde curly hair around the sponge. I then tried to interpret the hair covered in gold although the hair had a golden tone to it, I decided to wrap the hair in gold paper string to make it look more grand, I spiraled the string around the bun. I then considered that she wanted the rest of the hair lying flat on the head so I used crape golden toned hair to the sides of the up do. I then considered the point that Violet explained that she visualized the hair being curled on the sides hanging down off the face. I just selected some ringlet looking curled bits of hair slightly darker shade to the bun. I used different colours to add dimension and to give different golden tones. I then applied a light blonde piece of crepe hair and placed it on top of the hair style. It reminded me of a feather. The whole up do reminded me of a birds nest covered in gold. I took into consideration that the hair texture should be rather messy and frizzy so I tried to puff out the hair using my fingers as much as possible without making the hair fall apart. If I could do this task again I think I would of used some netting as a structure rather than the hair sponge and wrapping the netting in gold as it does look extremely messy and child like.

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