Monday 30 September 2013

Welcome to my blog.

Welcome to my blog. This blog will be bursting with historical and current research of my current project of The Elizabethan Era. Here I will be exploring many aspects of hair styles, and texture, shape, and colour from the era, as well as contemporary aspects. I hope to gain a strong knowledge of the eras hair trends and techniques and hope to develop what I have learnt into my own style of hair styling. I would like to complete a hair design that follows the expected guidelines of the assessment and my own expectations. I hope to gain confidence, and greater, creativity, and communication skills.

Red heads and royalty.

The Read heads and royalty brief is about finding out historical research on the Elizabethans as well as showing technical observations of the eras hairstyles. From this research to create your own Elizabethan hairstyle that is contemporary to you yet also shows some Elizabethan technique for it to be relevant to the brief. We must design a contemporary hairstyle and create a pack that communicates our ideal look and how to create it on our head of hair.

I understand what the brief is asking and will try to make my design pack as simple as possible for my partner.